The Art Of Qualitative Synthesis: Methodological Considerations And Innovations


  • Dr. Karen L. Harris Department of Political Science, PQR College, Author
  • Professor Matthew R. Turner School of Business, MNO University Author


Mixed-methods approaches, Framework synthesis, Thematic synthesis, Meta-ethnography, Innovations, Methodological considerations


Qualitative synthesis is a nuanced and evolving methodological approach that plays a pivotal role in integrating diverse qualitative research findings. This scholarly article explores the intricacies of qualitative synthesis, delving into its methodological considerations and highlighting innovative approaches. The article begins by elucidating the fundamental principles of qualitative synthesis, emphasizing its significance in generating new insights, resolving inconsistencies, and advancing theoretical understanding. It then delineates key methodological considerations, including the selection and appraisal of primary studies, data extraction techniques, and strategies for synthesizing findings. Furthermore, the article discusses recent innovations in qualitative synthesis methodologies, such as meta-ethnography, thematic synthesis, and framework synthesis, elucidating their strengths and limitations. Additionally, it explores the integration of qualitative synthesis with other research methodologies, such as mixed-methods approaches, to enrich data analysis and interpretation. Throughout the discussion, the article underscores the importance of reflexivity, transparency, and rigor in conducting qualitative synthesis. By providing a comprehensive overview of methodological considerations and innovations in qualitative synthesis, this article aims to empower researchers to undertake rigorous and insightful synthesis of qualitative evidence, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge in diverse fields.




How to Cite

The Art Of Qualitative Synthesis: Methodological Considerations And Innovations. (2023). Qualitative Research Review Letter, 1(02), 58-63.