Qualitative Paradigms Revisited: A Critical Review Of Recent Research


  • Dr. Lisa M. Robinson Educational Research Institute, UVW College Author
  • Professor Richard S. Miller Department of Anthropology, XYZ University Author


Qualitative research, rigor, reflexivity, methodology, post-structuralism, post-positivism, critical theory, interpretivism, positivism, paradigms


In the landscape of social science research, qualitative paradigms play a vital role in understanding complex phenomena. This paper presents a critical review of recent research within qualitative paradigms, aiming to illuminate key trends, challenges, and innovations. Drawing from a diverse array of disciplines such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and education, this review explores the evolution and current state of qualitative methodologies. Through a systematic examination of empirical studies and theoretical contributions, this paper identifies emerging themes, methodological approaches, and theoretical frameworks. Additionally, it evaluates the strengths and limitations of various qualitative methodologies, highlighting the ongoing debate surrounding issues of validity, reliability, and researcher subjectivity. Furthermore, this review underscores the importance of reflexivity and transparency in qualitative inquiry, emphasizing the need for researchers to critically engage with their own perspectives and biases. By offering insights into recent developments and debates within qualitative research, this paper contributes to advancing our understanding of qualitative paradigms and their role in generating knowledge about the social world.




How to Cite

Qualitative Paradigms Revisited: A Critical Review Of Recent Research. (2023). Qualitative Research Review Letter, 1(01), 31-39. http://qrrl.net/index.php/Journal/article/view/5